Cape Cod has a problem with nitrogen pollution of its embayments and waterways. The solution that Massachusetts began to implement on July 7 may offer some lessons for Pennsylvania practitioners.
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Storm Sewers and Impervious Cover in Maryland: A Further Update
The Maryland Department of the Environment has for many years sought to meet its obligations under the Clean Water Act and the Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load in part…
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Will Climate Change Cause Storm Water Claims to Rain Down?
Storm water claims may be an emerging small-scale form of litigation driven by climate change. In Pennsylvania, like many parts of the country, a changing climate has increased the frequency…
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Storm Sewers and Impervious Cover in Maryland: An Update
The Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) has been trying for some time to require counties that operate municipal separate storm sewers (MS4s) to require “restoration” of impervious surfaces in…
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