On Aug. 14, a trial judge in Montana issued findings of fact and conclusions of law after a bench trial in what has been called the Montana “Youth Climate Case.”

Continue Reading The Montana ‘Youth Climate Case’ and the Pa. Environmental Rights Amendment

Cape Cod has a problem with nitrogen pollution of its embayments and waterways. The solution that Massachusetts began to implement on July 7 may offer some lessons for Pennsylvania practitioners.

Continue Reading Pa. Lessons From the New Massachusetts Rules for Cape Cod On-Lot Sewage Systems

Last month the U.S. Supreme Court restricted federal jurisdiction over filling and altering wetlands. See Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency, No. 21-454 (U.S. May 25, 2023). The president promptly

Continue Reading Wetlands Regulation in Pennsylvania After ‘Sackett’ Ruling

The Supreme Court can only decide so many cases. If we are to have a constitutional environmental provision with relevance to the interaction of private activities with the government, Pennsylvania
Continue Reading Is the Pa. High Court Deciding the Most Helpful Environmental Rights Amendment Cases?