The Inflation Reduction Act, Pub. L. No. 117-169, 136 Stat. 1818 (Aug. 16, 2022), among other things creates tax incentives for clean energy development. The IRA enhances those tax credits

Continue Reading Environmental Law and the Brownfield ‘Energy Community’ Clean Energy Tax Credit Bonus Under the IRA
  1. Uptick in Redevelopment of Contaminated Sites – This trend is evident both for impacted sites in general and for those formally in the state of Florida’s (EPA) Brownfields Program, which provides
Continue Reading 5 Trends to Watch: 2024 Florida Environmental Issues

Known colloquially as the BIF—the bipartisan infrastructure framework—or sometimes as the “bipartisan infrastructure bill,” even though it is no longer a bill, IIJA authorizes over a trillion dollars to an

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