On 12 November 2024, the Court of Appeal in The Hague handed down its ruling in the appeal proceedings between Shell plc and Milieudefensie, a non-governmental organization. Shell appealed a

Continue Reading Shell Wins Appeal in Dutch Climate Ruling
  1. Uptick in Redevelopment of Contaminated Sites – This trend is evident both for impacted sites in general and for those formally in the state of Florida’s (EPA) Brownfields Program, which provides
Continue Reading 5 Trends to Watch: 2024 Florida Environmental Issues

On Sept. 11, 2023, the City Planning Commission approved amendments to the New York City Zoning Resolution, called “City of Yes for Carbon Neutrality,” proposed by Mayor Adams’ administration to

Continue Reading New York City Planning Commission Approves Zoning Changes Supporting City’s Climate Goals

On Aug. 17, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its final, revised National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives (NECIs) for fiscal years 2024-2027, seven months after soliciting public comment

Continue Reading EPA Announces Its Final National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives

On Aug. 14, a trial judge in Montana issued findings of fact and conclusions of law after a bench trial in what has been called the Montana “Youth Climate Case.”

Continue Reading The Montana ‘Youth Climate Case’ and the Pa. Environmental Rights Amendment