On June 30, 2022, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in West Virginia, et al. v. Environmental Protection Agency.
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DOJ’s Attack on ‘Supplemental Environmental Projects’ Extends to Citizen Plaintiffs
The Department of Justice, in the last year, has altered its guidance related to supplemental environmental projects (SEPs), first prohibiting their use in settlements with state and local governments,…
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Good News for States and Surface Coal Mine Operators in Recent Department of Interior Announcement
On April 13, the Acting Director of the U.S. Department of Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) announced that OSMRE will be reinitiating formal programmatic consultation with…
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EPA Seeks to Impose Financial Responsibility Requirements on Hardrock Mine Operators
On Dec. 1, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator signed a proposed rule, “Financial Responsibility Requirements under CERCLA § 108(b) for Classes of Facilities in the Hardrock Mining Industry…
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EPA Releases its Proposed Rule to Cut Carbon Emissions at Existing Power Plants
On June 2, 2014, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) published a draft rule that is intended to cut carbon emissions from existing power plants. EPA hopes to accomplish this…
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