As a new administration takes office in 2025, several new energy policy trends are expected to emerge, reflecting the inherent tension that often exists between political desires and economic realities.
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Possible Amendments to EU Proposed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
On Jan. 5, Mr. Mohammed Chamin – a Member of the European Parliament and the “rapporteur” on the proposed Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in the Parliament’s Committee on Environment,…
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Proposed Federal Tax on Import of Carbon-Intensive Products
Some in Congress are advocating a proposal to establish a carbon tax on certain imports to fight climate change and protect domestic production. A more specific carbon border tax plan…
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Summary of Guidance on Section 45Q Carbon Tax Credits Under 2020 Notice and Revenue Procedure
On Feb. 19, 2020, the IRS released Notice 2020-12 and Revenue Procedure 2020-12 (together, the “Carbon Guidance”) which provide highly anticipated clarity on the Internal Revenue Code Section 45Q credit…
Federal Court Has Jurisdiction Over Local Carbon Tax Dispute
The Fourth Circuit held that a federal court has jurisdiction over a local carbon tax, notwithstanding the Tax Injunction Act, because the tax is a punitive regulatory fee.
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