On 12 April, the European Supervisory Authorities (ESMA, EBA, and EIOPA1) published a Consultation Paper proposing amendments to the European Commission’s Regulatory Technical Standards that implement Europe’s comparatively
Continue Reading SFDR Update: European Regulators Issue New Consultation & European Commission Provides New GuidanceTim Dolan
Tim Dolan advises clients on UK and European financial services matters, utilising his background of working for international financial services regulators. He focuses on whether institutions and fund structures are subject to UK and European regulation and on advising on the interpretation of the Financial Conduct Authority’s and the Prudential Regulatory Authority’s rule books. He supports firms and individuals when they need to engage with financial services regulators (including with breach; change of control and waiver notifications as well as authorisations) and helps clients (typically fund managers; investment firms; banks; and payment firms) prepare for regulatory change. Increasingly Tim is also advising fund managers and institutions on the impact of ESG regulation.