Governor Kathy Hochul’s Executive Budget proposal (the Transportation, Economic Development, and Environmental Conservation budget bill (A.8808/S.8308)) includes two pivotal energy proposals: the Renewable Action Through Project Interconnection and Deployment Act and the Affordable Gas Transition Act. The Governor is seeking to advance the achievement of the ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy procurement mandates set forth in the landmark Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). This post summarizes the key provisions of these proposals and discusses their potential impact on New York’s energy landscape.

The Renewable Action Through Project Interconnection and Deployment (RAPID) Act

The RAPID Act proposes to streamline the environmental review and permitting of major renewable energy generation and electric transmission facilities. It would centralize these efforts within the Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) at the Department of Public Service (DPS). Ultimately, the RAPID Act would create a “one-stop shop” within ORES for permitting necessary to site both major renewable energy facilities and the major electric transmission facilities that support them.

One of the major proposals of the RAPID Act is the transfer of jurisdiction over the siting of electric transmission facilities, currently overseen by the Public Service Commission (PSC), to ORES. The RAPID Act would also relocate ORES from the Department of State to DPS for administrative and organizational efficiency. Notably, ORES will retain control over the permitting process for major renewable facilities, and the Commission itself would not be involved in the permitting approval process.

The RAPID Act would require ORES to promulgate regulations and adopt uniform permit terms and conditions for major electric transmission facilities within 18 months of the bill’s enactment. Applicants that have initiated the Article VII process may opt into the new process under ORES. The RAPID Act borrows largely from Article VII, the existing PSC process for approving transmission lines, in establishing the information that would be required in the siting application. Notably, the RAPID Act would dispense with the current requirement that an application assess reasonable alternative locations for the proposed facility. Additionally, the RAPID Act would empower ORES to exempt transmission projects that use an existing right-of-way from the application requirement. To further expedite the application process, the RAPID Act would automatically grant a siting permit if ORES has not made a decision about the permit within one year of the transmission application being deemed complete, unless ORES and the applicant have agreed to an extension, or a right-of-way agreement has not been secured.

Affordable Gas Transition Act (AGTA)

While the RAPID Act focuses on supporting renewable electricity infrastructure development, AGTA represents the Hochul Administration’s attempt to facilitate a transition away from natural gas. AGTA would overhaul the New York Public Service Law and other statutes governing natural gas service to facilitate the transition away from natural gas and towards renewable electric alternatives. Specifically, AGTA would include the achievement of the state’s CLCPA goals within the state’s gas, electric, and steam service policy, eliminate the “100-foot rule,” ending the practice of having utilities fund new gas hookups out of its rate base rather than charging the individual customer, and revisit the “obligation to serve” customers who seek a new gas hook-up. Notably, the legislative findings state that AGTA would not ban the use of natural gas or require an immediate transition away from natural gas. However, AGTA endeavors to decelerate further expansion of the natural gas system.

AGTA appears to have been offered as a counterproposal to the NY HEAT Act (A.4592B/S.2016B), a more aggressive gas transition proposed by certain legislators that would significantly limit future expansion and use of natural gas in the state.

The RAPID Act and AGTA are further evidence of how the CLCPA and its zero-GHG mandates have changed the public policy landscape in New York, with an increasing focus on the need to quickly move forward with the renewable generation and transmission projects necessary to transition to zero-carbon emission electricity market. In transferring transmission projects to ORES and proposing an expedited siting process, the RAPID Act attempts to align project timing on both the generation and transmission sides, thereby facilitating renewable generation in furtherance of the CLCPA. If the RAPID Act is enacted, sufficient allocation of staffing and administrative resources to ORES will be critical to support the amount of work that ORES will undertake, and a strategic transition plan for transferring responsibilities from DPS to ORES will also be important to ensure seamless implementation.

The New York State Senate and Assembly will release their legislative one-house budget proposals in March, and the houses’ position on the RAPID Act and AGTA will give greater insight into whether the Legislature is likely to enact some version of these bills. Regardless of the outcome, Governor Hochul’s decision to propose both the RAPID Act and AGTA highlight her continued efforts to achieve the aggressive clean energy targets enacted by the CLCPA.

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Photo of Steven C. Russo Steven C. Russo

Steven C. Russo co-chairs the Environmental Practice and chairs the firm’s New York Environmental Practice. He focuses his practice on environmental law and litigation, permitting, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) review, energy project siting, renewable energy, Brownfields

Steven C. Russo co-chairs the Environmental Practice and chairs the firm’s New York Environmental Practice. He focuses his practice on environmental law and litigation, permitting, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) review, energy project siting, renewable energy, Brownfields redevelopment, toxic tort litigation, including emerging contaminants, environmental crimes, government law and policy and the environmental review and permitting, environmental due diligence and risk management, and the environmental components of land use and real estate law. Steven is equally experienced litigating in federal and state courts, as well as counseling his clients with regard to the development of major industrial, energy and residential development projects. He also practices election and campaign finance law.

Prior to joining the firm, Steven was the Chief Legal Officer of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. There, he supervised approximately 90 attorneys in Albany, as well as the agency’s nine regional offices. He also supervised the agency’s legislative affairs department and Office of Environmental Justice. At the agency, Steven initiated a reform of the state’s environmental impact review regulations and assessment forms, completed the issuance of new power plant siting regulations pertaining to environmental justice and carbon emissions, and revised the agency’s environmental audit policy.

Photo of Jane McLaughlin Jane McLaughlin

Jane McLaughlin has extensive governmental and legislative experience, having served as Director of Legislative Affairs in the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Legislative Counsel in the New York State Department of Health, and as Legislative Counsel and Committee Director in the New…

Jane McLaughlin has extensive governmental and legislative experience, having served as Director of Legislative Affairs in the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Legislative Counsel in the New York State Department of Health, and as Legislative Counsel and Committee Director in the New York State Senate. Jane has also served as counsel to the New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officers (NYCOM), working on various matters pertaining to municipal government. She has worked on a wide variety of matters and legislation, including matters involving the environment, health care, procurement, telecommunications, election law, and water/sewer law.

Photo of Jenna Rackerby Jenna Rackerby

Jenna Rackerby is a member of the Environmental Practice in Greenberg Traurig’s New York office. Jenna represents clients for environmental regulatory, transactional, and litigation matters, as well as related auditing and compliance issues, under the Clean Water Act (CWA), Clean Air Act (CAA),

Jenna Rackerby is a member of the Environmental Practice in Greenberg Traurig’s New York office. Jenna represents clients for environmental regulatory, transactional, and litigation matters, as well as related auditing and compliance issues, under the Clean Water Act (CWA), Clean Air Act (CAA), National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). the Environmental Practice in Greenberg Traurig’s New York office.