On October 31, the Maryland Department of the Environment (“MDE”) published a proposed regulation calling for reporting of hazardous substances found in the environment — that is, site contamination.  A routine investigation of real estate could trigger this obligation because the reporting thresholds would be concentrations of hazardous substances, not quantities.

Section 103 of the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, 42 U.S.C. § 9603, requires a person in charge of a facility to report a release of more than a reportable quantity of a hazardous substance.  A “reportable quantity” is just that — a quantity.  40 C.F.R. pt. 302 sets out a reportable quantity for each listed hazardous substance in pounds and kilograms.  Thus, if one observes a release of a knowable or calculable mass of material, one may have a duty to report.  Just finding a few parts per million in a small sample of soil or a few parts per billion in a sample of groundwater, however, does not necessarily result in knowledge of (a) a release at any particular time or (b) the quantity released.

MDE would set reporting thresholds in concentrations.  So, a soil sample containing more milligrams per kilogram or a groundwater sample containing more micrograms per liter of the hazardous substance would trigger the requirement to report the analytical result to MDE.

“Responsible persons” would have the reporting obligation.  “Responsible persons” under section 7-201 of the Environment Article are essentially the familiar four categories of responsible persons under CERCLA:  current owners and operators, owners and operators at the time of disposal, arrangers, and transporters.  A seller of real estate who learned of a test result might have to report it.  The purchaser probably would not if the purchaser did not close the transaction; after the closing, of course, the purchaser would be a “responsible person.”

The rule proposal appears at 41 Md. Reg. 1337 (Oct. 31, 2014), and would amend COMAR 26.14.02.  You can read a copy here.

The proposed reporting thresholds are not published in the Maryland Register, but appear in a June 2014 guidance document posted on the MDE website here.

The comment period on this proposal closes on December 1, 2014.

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Photo of David Mandelbaum David Mandelbaum

David G. Mandelbaum represents clients facing problems under environmental laws. He regularly represents clients in lawsuits and also has helped clients achieve satisfactory outcomes through regulatory negotiation or private transactions. A Fellow of the American College of Environmental Lawyers, David teaches Superfund, and…

David G. Mandelbaum represents clients facing problems under environmental laws. He regularly represents clients in lawsuits and also has helped clients achieve satisfactory outcomes through regulatory negotiation or private transactions. A Fellow of the American College of Environmental Lawyers, David teaches Superfund, and Oil and Gas Law in rotation at the Temple University Beasley School of Law as well as an environmental litigation course at Suffolk (Boston) Law School.

Since United States v. Atlas Minerals, the first multi-generator Superfund contribution case to go to trial in 1993, Mr. Mandelbaum has been engaged in matters involving allocation of costs among responsible parties, especially under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).  He has tried large cases and resolved others as lead counsel.  He has written, spoken, and taught extensively on the subject.  More recently he also has been engaged to assist lead counsel from this firm and others:

  • to develop cost allocation methodologies;
  • to craft expert testimony in support of a favored methodology (given a definition of “fairness,” why one methodology better tracks it than another);
  • to develop efficient case management approaches; and to assist private allocation as part of the neutral team.


  • Air, water and waste regulation
  • Superfund and contamination
  • Climate change
  • Oil and gas development
  • Water rights