Ahead of the Toluca Summit – which marked the 20th anniversary of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and saw the reunion of U.S. President Barack Obama, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper – Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) CEO Emilio Lozoya asserted that, “North America will become the world’s cheapest source of energy if Canada, Mexico and the U.S. pool their resources to reduce costs and generate industrial growth across the continent.” He continued to say that the trio should work together on matters such as regulation and infrastructure to make the most efficient use of the continent’s growing energy production, currently reshaping global markets.


Managing transitions

For many, “2014 will be more about strategic analyses of the reforms and understanding the new changes and legal frameworks they introduce,” believes Nicolas Borda, partner and energy specialist at Greenberg Traurig, a leading international law firm with a strong presence in Mexico.

Read the full article here.