I recently wrote a column for The Legal Intelligencer’s Pennsylvania Law Weekly, reposted on this blog here, raising questions about whether the Pennsylvania courts have correctly identified the

Continue Reading Oil and Gas and Another Questionable Pennsylvania Environmental Rights Amendment Decision

The Supreme Court can only decide so many cases. If we are to have a constitutional environmental provision with relevance to the interaction of private activities with the government, Pennsylvania
Continue Reading Is the Pa. High Court Deciding the Most Helpful Environmental Rights Amendment Cases?

This article is an effort to hit the “reset” button on the frequently breathless commentary on the recently argued Supreme Court case (West Virginia et al v. EPA) addressing
Continue Reading Journey to the U.S. Supreme Court – Regulating Power Plant Greenhouse Gas Emissions

In 2018 I commented on this blog about an opinion of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court concerning a claim by the developer of a condominium development against the City of
Continue Reading UPDATE: Property Damage Claims Even After Cleanup Under Massachusetts General Laws Chap. 21E